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8 Bold and Brilliant Podcasting Trends To Watch In 2024

As the new year unfolds before our eyes we’re excited to look into the bold and brilliant podcasting trends to watch in 2024. If you’re writing a business plan for a podcast in 2024, pay close attention to these trends. The trends and turns of the new year will influence the podcasting industry for years to come.

Throughout the history of podcasting, trends have been known to impact ROI for podcasts, listener engagement, podcast business growth, and the types of podcasts that make it big. You never know the effect these trends will have down the line as the industry shifts and grows. 

How Do Podcasting Trends Start?

Podcasts in the digital ecosystem have the unique position of being both a source of information and of new innovations. This means they have the ability to create change based on past success, ingenious, and known facts and figures of importance. That’s how podcasting trends start. 

A trend can spark from an innovation outside the industry. That could be something along the lines of the advancement of AI or the surfacing of new ideas about a common tract of thought. Trends also come about from podcast revolutions, such as new ways of producing revenue or a different way of engaging with audiences. 

Overall, it takes two things to start a podcasting trend:

  1. A brave podcast host who is willing to try something new.
  2. Open-minded listeners who listen from a place of curiosity and want to discover something exciting.

When those factors come together, podcasting trends are made. Where they go from there is due to the expansion of the podcast industry.

What Makes a Podcasting Trend Stick?

The contributing factors to a podcasting trend that sticks around include:

  • Creative, compelling content around the trend that leads to many listeners and an engaged audience
  • Consistency in care for the trend
  • Innovation in the idea, along with a sense of familiarity and sentimentality
  • Guests, famous and intriguing, who get involved in the trend
  • High production quality
  • Exceptional marketing through key marketing services
  • Societal relevance
  • Niche appeal, as the best podcasts are often those with a unique niche

With these factors, any topic can become a trend in the podcasting industry. You don’t need all of these, but if you have them all, your podcast will go further faster.

Podcasting Trends To Watch In 2024

These eight bold and brilliant podcasting trends to watch in 2024 are a mix of old podcast techniques and new players in the game. The exciting piece of the trend puzzle is the way classic ideas take on new growth through innovative podcasters and creators. These trends showcase the growth we look forward to throughout this year.

1. Vodcast Growth

Vodcast growth is expected to expand exponentially through 2024 and beyond. More and more listeners are seeking a visual experience. It gives hosts a better way to connect with their audience and create a strong brand presence. If you haven’t started a vodcast, 2024 is the year to get it going. Expanding into a new medium gives you a boost in revenue and brand growth.

2. More AI In Podcasts

More AI is expected throughout the world of business and all industries in 2024. There was a time in 2023 when the world wasn’t sure how and where AI advancements were going to grow. Now we can say with confidence that mainstream AI is here to stay. We’ll watch with curiosity as more businesses and entrepreneurs use AI to boost their brands and business plans. 

3. Increased Advertisers

As the podcast industry continues to be a steady source of revenue for podcasters and advertisers alike, this upcoming year comes with an expected trend of increased advertisers. More businesses are seeing the benefit of advertising through podcasts, which means a boost in revenue for podcasters as well!

4. Greater Listener Reach

The podcast industry has, for many years, been divided around the world. Each country that has been impacted by podcasts has done so in a bubble of consumerism and social norms. These days, and in the coming year, the industry is expected to expand with listener reach and global connections. This pairs with increased advertisers and expanded vodcast growth.

5. More Political Content

Politics have been colliding with social situations in recent years on an unprecedented level. Generation Z has been an influence, as the up-and-coming generations are taking a closer interest in the political situations around us. We’re excited to watch this grow in the podcast industry as more people become aware and able to act in the political climate.

6. Expansion In Nonfiction Shows 

The expansion in nonfiction shows we expect in 2024 includes political topics, but it goes far beyond those as well. From true crime to educational content, nonfiction has long been a steady source of podcast topics. Now we’re seeing more and more listeners seek out shows that better their lives and improve their ability to navigate the world through critical thinking.

7. Higher Volume Of Livestreams

The expected high volume of live streams goes along with an increase in vodcasts in terms of audience engagement. Podcasts are a medium built around community and direct engagement. Lives streams are one of the best ways to increase your engagement and get feedback from your listeners in real-time. 

8. Mental Health Podcast Growth

In terms of specific podcast topics, 2024 is expected to be a year of mental health podcast growth. In the last few years, truly since the start of COVID-19, the world has been more accepting of an open conversation around mental health. We’re happy to see growth coming in this area for the new year.

Frequently Asked Questions About Podcast Trends In 2024

Podcasting trends to watch in 2024 are a topic of interest in the podcast industry and beyond. They’re intriguing for advertisers, listeners, competitors, and entrepreneurs considering entering the industry. There will be more and more to learn as the next 12 months continue to unfold. For now, these trends and our answers to these frequently asked questions will get you started on this learning journey.

Is It Worth Starting a Podcast In 2024?

It is absolutely worth starting a podcast in 2024, in fact, one might say it’s more worth it than ever before. As the podcast industry has grown with podcast business growth and listenership, the podcast medium has continued to captivate the world. The old question of “Will podcasts die out as a trend?” Is all but extinct. 

Is Podcasting Still Relevant?

Podcasting is more than still relevant, it’s more relevant than in previous years. In 2006, a mere 22% of U.S. adults were aware of podcasts. In 2022, that figure rose to 79%. At the beginning of 2024, there are 504.9 million podcaster listeners worldwide. As the scope of podcasts grows, with audiences becoming more engaged and advertisers reaching out to new shows, podcasts continue to grow in relevance.

What Age Range Listens To Podcasts the Most?

In the United States, 50% of podcast listeners fall between the ages of 12 and 34 years old. That percentage drops to 22% in the 55 and up crowd. For the majority of businesses, that 50% range encompasses their primary buyer and client persona. Overall, podcasts are an excellent source of outreach and revenue across many industries and business models.

What Percent Of Podcasts Succeed?

On average, only 20% of all podcasts created survive long enough to become successful. Many podcasts die within their first year. Statistics show that only 720 thousand podcasts have more than 100 episodes. It’s a cold, hard fact of the podcast industry that it’s hard to create a podcast that lasts long enough to turn a steady profit. 

Why Do Most Podcasts Fail?

While it’s true that most podcasts fail, it’s not due to podcast quality or listenership. The key reason most podcasts don’t make it to 100 episodes is that hosts give up too soon. It’s disheartening to start a passion project only to find it doesn’t grow as quickly as you would hope or dream. 

For hosts who want to make it in the podcasting world, the key is sticking it out. If you’re starting a podcast in the hopes of creating a business, maintain other streams of income until your podcast turns a profit. Pair it with products or services you can sell in tandem. Reach out to high-profile guests. Create engaging evergreen content. Don’t give up.

Podcast Trends In 2024: Keeping a Watchful Eye On Podcasts 

These eight podcast trends of 2024 are exciting extensions of the current artistry and expertise in the podcast industry. As the year unfolds we’ll see these trends blossom and turn into even more than we can speculate in this first month. Here at the Mr. Thrive blog and in our work as podcast producers and marketing experts, we’ll be watching with bated breath.

If you’re looking to expand your podcast and business in 2024, reach out to Mr. Thrive Media. We’ll help you take advantage of these growing trends and move into the bright future of podcasts with ease and confidence. 

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